Always Safe,
Always Secure
Designed from start to finish for safety and security, the oLock can always be mechanically unlocked from the inside by hand or from the outside by key, even if wifi is down or the battery is dead. Our thorough design ensures no one will be locked in during an emergency.
Hiding beneath the simple user and management interfaces is robust industry-standard digital key management system. The physical and digital design prevents any new security vulnerabilities. Access logs will soon be visible to management and users (for their residence) alike.

Not Just for Rentals

Grant Scheduled Access

Anytime Installation

Remote Unlock

How it Works
Unlocking is easy and quick with two taps; tap the door then tap the notification on your phone to enter in seconds. No more fumbling for keys.

Fully Keyless

Manage Guest Lists

Reduce Overhead
With Assisted Unlock, your onsite property management will rarely, if ever, need to deal with lockouts. If a user’s phone dies they can use any other phone to login and unlock.

No Wifi Needed

Easy Access
Management Portal
Access Management is quick to set-up and easy to use. During install, all existing areas secured by oLock will be configured in the secure web portal. Standard unit and room access is granted automatically and additional access (community areas, staff areas, etc.) can be easily granted through simple automatic (e.g. “all residents”) or managed user groups.